सोमवार, 2 अप्रैल 2012

फुलसुंगी / श्याम बिहारी श्यामल

Bhojpuri novel Fulsungi '/ White AB Shyamal


Memory work
Mahendra Mishra, the great artist was not willing to accept Muflisi effortlessly so lost ... Their art to an artist or creator - to what extent reputation for personal suB - facilities will be put Gontte throat? What his art - the artist's reputation at all bowed Muflisi should be accepted? ... 'Fulsungi' meeting - that there are many questions in the ears start ringing.
Great Creation  ::  Kapil Pandey Bhojpuri composed novel Fulsungi 'cover 
Evening he was settling Gmgmati 
 Shyamal Shyam Bihari
         A Ssi of Patna in the early evening in the memory still is hanging with its full brightness.Fragrances - boasts memories. ... Bhojpuri (Srijnrt in Hindi) and Bhagwati Prasad Dwivedi's leading Rcnakardwy Krishnanand Krishna Pandey Kapil, I came home to the celebrated novelist. "Fulsungi 'Prasnntasikt restless with curiosity to see the front of the creator. ... r this great work by a few while reading Bhojpuri lyricist Mahendra Mishra's unique struggle for existence was strung out like a flaming blaze. Now let's read it, too, has completed three decades, but the unforgettable Jmk of work still remains on the board of the brain. Unique composition.          No. 's experiences, some stray memory (something wrong, please contact the amendment must know), but few s ... hero of the story (ie Bhojpuri lyricist Mahendra Mishra) is a poet, but life on the front of the criminal act connected to a constrained one.Ironically ... the works of thousands of people - there are thousands of people dance like crazy, the police on suspicion of running a business of printing fake notes. He is a police detective. At multiple levels. ... E C in order to eventually enter a detective is the hero's servant. He began to live as a servant and spy .... Wonderful illustration. ... And, finally exposed the remains. A poet's usually get distorted image of the unknown with his arrest.The extent of her songs ... but the passion of fans, rather than less, like a flaming fire appears to be brought ...          ... u meet Panyas the reader the truth of a society living is the creator of a large amenity had to resort to crime to try to ... बेशक नायक की विकृत सोच-दृष्टि सामने आती है किंतु इसके साथ ही उस समाज का चेहरा भी बेपर्द होता है जो अपने कलाकार-समुदाय को आर्थिक संरक्षण देने के मोर्चे पर अक्सर असहाय दिखता आया है।          ...म हेन्द्र मिश्र जैसा महान कलाकार मुफलिसी was not so easily willing to accept the lost ... Their art to an artist or creator - to what extent reputation for personal comfort - facilities will be put Gontte throat? What his art - the artist's reputation at all bowed Muflisi should be accepted? ... 'Fulsungi' meeting - that there are many questions in the ears start ringing. Mahendra Mishra's life, so naturally, or how wrong the other side, it has been argued, should be there too .... However, the context of this work, the great thing is that the context - the novelist to detail form the authenticity of the facts, all of them required a parallel sincerity and sense of style - to manufacture, respectively, to perform wonders in the novel Coordination - Shuffle with efficiency .... Truly a masterpiece.

Bhagwati Prasad Dwivedi Telephone Bhawan in Patna in the canteen at 21:10:11 with the author.
         Fay Facebook Platform on Tuesday (April 3, 2012) morning, "Flsungi 'brother with the cover of the new Bhojpuri related to post a comment revealed that work on a companion book - as is almost unattainable. It is a sad situation. The access to this great work for large publishers should appear. यह कृति सही मूल्य पर सुलभ हो तो पाठकों का तांता लगना तय है। ...बहरहाल, तो लगभग तीन दशक पहले पटना में वह शाम सचमुच अनोखी बीती थी जब हम चार लोग साथ-साथ घंटों भोजपुरी को लेकर अनेक पहलुओं पर बतियाते रहे .... As far as I remember, it live Krishnanand Minister Kapil Pandey (Fulsungi) had requested to be translated into Hindi. His countenance was agreed full of fun colors. I do not know where that thing went up. Bhagwati Krishnanand G and G (duly photo - Comment was also the stock) over the years, settling at last met in October. Unfortunately it was not in mind. Must now ask the next Mulakaht .. Thanks to new law that covers the stock made ​​fresh in memory, this work again ..

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