बुधवार, 22 मार्च 2023

👌Zindagi matlab kya.. ?

 Plz read slowly . Its a very Nice one...

Zindagi matlab kya.. ?

"Ek dhundli si shaam, 4 dost. 4 Cup chai, 1 Table.."

Zindagi...mtlb kya..?

"1 innova car, 7 dost, aur 1 khula lamba pahadi Raasta"

Zindagi...mtlb kya.?

"1 dost ka ghar, Halki si Baarish, aur dher saari baatein..

Zindagi...mtlb kya..?

"school ke dost, Bunk Kiya hua Lecture, 1 kachori, 2 samose aur bill par hone wala jhagda...

Zindagi...mtlb kya...?

"Phone uthate hi padne wali dost ki mithi si gaali, aur Sorry kehne par 1 aur gaali"

Zindagi...mtlb kya..?

"Kuch saalon baad, Aachanak purane dost ka 1 sms, Dhundli padi kuch bhigi yadein aur Ankho me aaye aansu.

We make many friends,

Some become Dearest,

Some become Special,

Some We Fall in Love with,

Some go Abroad,

Some change their cities,

Some Leave us,

We Leave some,

Some are in contact,

Some are not in contact,

N Some don't contact,

because of their ego,

We don't contact some because of our ego,

Wherever they are,

However they are,

We still remember,



N Care

about them because of the part they played, in our life.

Send this to all ur friends..

no matter how often you talk or how close you are...

Let old friends know you haven't forgotten them

& tell new friends you will never forget them

Cheers To friendship...🥂💕

These are uncertain times! So stay in touch 🙂

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